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Thats our story.

A vision since 2016

Back in 2016, the idea of founding a company to make the then-new technology accessible emerged. Since then, we've gained new experience, strengthened our presence and started offering new solutions for our customers.

New Design

After the initial major rebranding in 2022, we are off to the company start in 2022.
With a new design, innovative concepts and great ideas. Welcome to E3D Print. Our goal is to make 3D printing accessible to everyone, including you! We are constantly working to offer you high quality and fast shipping. Our innovative products are also constantly being developed and improved for you so that you are satisfied.
Own production in Germany.
Creativity is our motivation and drive.

We, Our milestones

Back in 2016
In mid-2016, the idea of offering 3D printing to everyone was born.
2017 — First test prints and printing trials
We start our first experiments with 3D printing and the idea begins to grow. The first website goes online as a test.
2018 — First internal rebranding and new logo
The old logo in a simple font has had its day and we are creating a new one to clearly express our idea.
2021 — Our major rebranding and design
In order to clearly differentiate ourselves from all other offers and to present our uniqueness, we are launching a major rebranding. The focus is now on a modern and clear service with innovative products.
2022 — Finally it's time 🎉
The time has finally come! After a long period of preparation, we can now announce the official launch of E3D Print. Our official launch in Germany took place on 24 August. Thank you for being part of it!
2023 — Products for your 3D printer
After a long planning phase, we are now also offering products for your own 3D printer. Our aim is to expand our business area and simplify access to high-quality printing accessories at fair prices.
2024 — @Merch launch
At the beginning of 2024, we launched E3D Print @Merch, together with WRE by Cornelius Lobermeier we offer merchandise items for companies.

Follow us on our journey